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Desperate Addict's Parade: Page 12

Desperate nicotine addict's parade: Have you ever ... ?

If desperate, might a cigarette atop a public urinal look tempting?

As suggested by OBob on Page 1, how can we journey from point A to point B without knowing where we now stand? It's entirely normal to minimize and rationalize smoking, vaping or oral nicotine use. Flooded with sobering realities, these pages are filled with the truth about who we each became, real drug addicts in every sense.

If so inclined, email us adding your own personal "Have you ever ..." experience. Together, just one recovering addict at a time, yes we can!

Here's my "Have you ever ... I have. I'm an addict" experience

#276 | 4 June 2014 | Mommiana

Have you ever....
Went into labor with contractions 2 minutes apart and stood outside of the hospital "tanking up" on 3-4 cigarettes in a row before going in to deliver?

Have you ever...
Felt relief when the nurses came to get your 14 hours old newborn baby girl for an assessment so you could sneak away and hobble downstairs in severe pain for a cigarette, all the while holding your cesarean staples praying they wouldn't pop open? And, praying the nurses wouldn't catch you, and praying your never-smoker husband wouldn't pick that time for a visit?

Have you ever...
Breasfed your babies while actively taking in nicotine?

~ Christy

I have been quit for 1 Month, 1 Week, 5 Days, 2 hours, 1 minute and 5 seconds (43 days). I have saved $227.48 by not smoking 861 cigarettes. I have saved 2 Days, 23 hours and 45 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 4/22/2014 9:24 AM

#277 | 4 Aug 2014 | ecilA

Wow! All these other posts are so familiar. Okay, so here's mine...

I work from home and used to smoke all day, every day at my desk while working on the computer.

In order to "hide" the vast amount of cigs I smoked from my husband, I would keep a small ashtray on my desk and make scrupulously sure that there were only 2 or 3 butts in there at any one time. But - I would keep a secre, hidden stash of hundreds of butts in a trash bag in the office bathroom, which I would bag up ( after going through them all to find the longest butts) and drive to a public waste dump to dispose of them so he woudn't see or smell them in the regular trash outside our house. Geez, I am a serious, conniving nicotine addict.

Thank god I have been free of this horrible disease for 17 days, 9 hours ansd 42 mins and 23 seconds. Hallelujah!!

#278 | 14 Feb 2016 | Red79

"Have you ever....left your young child alone in a hospital bed so you could go outside for your 'fix'....I have, I'm an addict."

I have done this and rationalised at the time that it was the stress due to my child being in the hospital.
When I ran out and couldn't go to the store by the hospital because it was shut, I smoked the butts left behind by other addicts, even whilst thinking about what germs might be on them.

Have you ever started an argument with loved ones during a quit on purpose so that you had an excuse to relapse after you walked out of the door, knowing before you started the argument you were going to buy cigarettes?

Have you ever had your one year old chew a cigarette and vomit everywhere so hard that you had to call poison control to see if they would be Ok? We're you having a smoke while you were making that call?

I have, because I'm an addict. I am a recovering addict!

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Page created 11/10/19. Format updated 11/10/19 by John R. Polito