The President and nicotine gum
- 2007 Article: Obama tries to drop dirty little vice
- 2009 Article: Reluctantly, President Obama Admits He Still Smokes But Is "95% Cured"
Other related resources:
- My first encounter with NRT
- Gallup Poll: Most quitters credit cold turkey
- "Whatever you do don't quit smoking cold turkey!"
- Tell a newbie how many seconds a day you want a cigarette
- "I know I will quit smoking!" (Addresses the stronger or smarter issue)
- Resources related to the importance of being smarter than nicotine as opposed to having to be stronger
- Quitting for others
- "I will quit when…"
- "Will I ever stop thinking of cigarettes?"
- Difference between physical and psychological urges
- Keeping NRT in case of emergency
- Nicotine is nicotine is nicotine
- "I'll be a nervous wreck forever if I quit smoking"
- Smoking does not help you overcome stress
- Why do smokers smoke?
- "I'll have to use willpower for the rest of my life not to smoke."
- Resources regarding stop smoking aids